I explore the connections between computer science and building engineering.
I’m a 26-year-old building engineering graduate.
I graduated from Politecnico di Milano in April 2022 with an MSc in Engineering of Building Systems, with a thesis on “All day radiation in Urban Green Infrastructure Modeling with CFD”.
The thesis proposes the use of the Discrete Ordinates radiation Model to compute the solar radiation on tree canopies in urban environments at varying solar angles, and couples it with a steady-state moist air solver that solves an energy balance at the leaf level. The goal was to provide a tool to quantify the effects of green infrastructure in urban microclimates.
During the years of my Master’s degree, I collaborated with Eng. Massimiliano Busnelli and Eng. Roberto Armani (https://www.massimilianobusnelli.com/). There I focused on the edge between computational design and software development, working to integrate CAD and BIM workflows with validated simulation engines like Radiance, Energy Plus, and OpenFOAM.
Between June 2022 and August 2023 I worked as a Junior Energy Specialist at GET (https://get-consulting.it/).
I currently work as a Research and Developement engineer at Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali Spa (https://www.serravalle.it/).
This website collects my articles regarding Building Engineering, with relevant applications of Computer Science, plus some random stuff I find interesting every once in a while.